Currently (Well, once I'm done blogging that is. Post-Currently? Anyway...) I am revising and creating a cover for my short story "Management - A Zombie Satire" which takes a comedic, and sometimes over the top grotesquely and vomitously insane, look at the way slackers can sometimes rise to the top, while the hard workers are stuck at the bottom. Also, when the two live together, and one is a zombie, shit just gets out of control!
After that is finished and on sale, I will pick up the YA Novel I started a few years back "The Final Summer of Innocence" and overcome my fears and actually write the damn thing. It is the offspring of a 27,000 word zombie novella I wrote years ago that had two characters in it that deserved better. They deserved to live without zombies. They deserved to grow up in school like normal kids, come of age like other kids, get the shit beat out of them by bullies like other kids. There are more horrors for a teenager in high school than a zombie could ever dream of. It's probably going to take me damn near a year to write it, but I'm going to write it.
(Although, my 8 year old daughter Alayna may force me, physically, to write my short story "The Midnight Clown" because she wont leave me alone until its done.)
Anyway, just a heads up, O' Readers of My Words, there is a short story coming this week, and within the year my book I've dreamed about for years. Wish me luck! Namaste!
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